Earn 0.3 RID CEUs & a Certificate of Completion
What is Signplaying?
Signplaying offers online courses where you can learn how to create ASL poetry & Visual Vernacular, and how to translate English songs and poems into sign language. You can also meet with Eric on Zoom through the Signplaying ASL consulting services at
You can also subscribe to the Signplaying email list at Even if there are no social media accounts for Signplaying, you can still get announcements and updates about future workshops from that email list.
If you're interested in signing children's books, please take these Signplaying courses in this order:
- "Signplaying 101: Structure of Signing"
- "Elements of Visual Vernacular (VV)"
- "Elements of ASL Poetry"
- "Translating English Poetry & Songs into Sign Language"
If you're interested in creating new signs, please take these Signplaying courses in this order:
- "Signplaying 101: Structure of Signing"
- "Wordplay in Sign Language"
If you're interested in ASL literature, please take these Signplaying courses in this order:
- "Signplaying 101: Structure of Signing"
- "Elements of Visual Vernacular (VV)"
- "Elements of ASL Poetry"
- "Wordplay in Sign Language"
You can enroll in those courses at any time. Those courses are self-paced, so you're not required to interact with the instructor or other students (but you can if you want to). Those courses will be offered starting now until March 1, 2026.
These courses are for anyone who is interested in creative signing — ranging from intermediate-level ASL students all the way to professional signing artists. And, yes, CEUs are provided for you RID-certified ASL interpreters (for those five courses listed above)!
The cost of the course is subject to change. NO REFUNDS.
Click on any course below to see what the course looks like.
All Courses
Signplaying 101: Structure of Signing
CourseLearn how to become a skilled signer by using simultaneous structure and transition between signs. START THIS COURSE FIRST!
Elements of Visual Vernacular (VV)
CourseLearn how to use cinematic signing techniques (like camera set-ups and angles).
Elements of ASL Poetry
CourseLearn about creative signing techniques (like rhymes and metaphors) used in ASL poetry and song signing.
Wordplay in Sign Language
CourseLearn how to create wordplay (like puns and multiple meaning) in sign language.
Translating English Poetry & Songs into Sign Language
CourseLearn how to translate English poetry & songs into sign language like a professional signing artist.
How We Create Beautiful ASL Songs
CourseLearn how to create beautiful ASL songs. Watch the 1.5-hour ASL video recording of a workshop by Leila Hanaumi (a Deaf signing artist) and Eric Epstein.
ASL Consulting Services
You can meet with Eric directly on Zoom for a 50-minute session at This is a great opportunity to get help with creating your own Visual Vernacular, ASL poem, or song translations. I can also analyze your signing prosody and provide feedback on your signing skills.
If you are an ASL student or a beginner interpreter, I also highly recommend that you get online ASL tutoring services -- specifically through Diana Cho at
About Me